In this paper, it gives a criteria of convergence of infinite integral about the positive function and expands it on the defect integral. 主要探讨了从函数自身的性质判定无穷积分敛散性的方法,并将其推广到瑕积分。
Relation and Application of Convergence and Divergence Between Nonnegative Infinite Integral and Series 非负无穷积分与级数之间敛散性的关系与应用
This paper explores the odd function and even function's property of infinite integral. 探讨奇函数和偶函数在无限区间上的积分问题。
The Uniform and Absolute Convergence of Infinite Integral with a Parameter 关于含参变量无穷积分的绝对一致收敛的注记
In this paper, new criterion of convergence and divergence for infinite series is given by means of the convergence and divergence of infinite integral. 利用无穷积分的敛散性给出了无穷级数敛散性的一个新的判别法。
A Judging Method for Infinite Integral Convergence with Arrangeable Singularities 具有可列奇点的无穷积分收敛的一个判别法
In virtue of the property of infinite integral, the scattered field is split into a singular part and a bounded part, by which the Cauchy type integral equation of the rigid line is obtained. 利用无穷积分的性质,把和界面接触刚性线的散射场分解为奇异部分和有界部分。通过分解后的散射场建立了和界面接触刚性线在SH波作用下的Cauchy型奇异积分方程。
Infinite integral is a type of improper integral in calculi, and it is also a difficult point in integral. 无穷限积分是微积分学中广义积分的一种类型,是积分知识的一个难点内容。
Several formulae of calculating approximately numerical integration are given, when these formulae are applied to some infinite integral calculation, more exact results are obtained. 讨论了收敛性,给出了若干近似计算公式。当应用这些公式计算某些定积分时,得到了较为精确的结果。
Calculating methods and skill of infinite limited integral calculus 无穷限广义积分的计算方法及技巧
On Infinite Curvilinear Integral and Its Nature 无穷曲线上的积分及其性质
Some Properties of Infinite Degree Integral Function Logarithmic Degree and Logarithmic Form 无穷级整函数对数级与对数型的一些性质
During the process of infinite integral converging, when does the limit of integrand become zero while the independent variable tends to be infinity. 本文论述了无穷积分收敛时,被积函数当自变量趋于无穷大时的极限何时为零的问题。
Some Problems of Convergent Infinite Integral 收敛无穷积分的若干问题
On the control convergence theorem of infinite integral 无穷限积分的控制收敛理论
A Mistake on Solution of Infinite Integral 无穷积分求法的一种错误
Ratio Test for Infinite Integral and Its Corollary 无穷积分的比值判别法及其推论
This paper gives an account of the full condition of f ( X)→ 0 when X →∞ underthe condition of infinite integral convergence of a kind of positive-valued inte-grands. 本文给出了一类被积函数为正值的无穷积分收敛的条件下,当X→∞时,f(X)→0的充分条件。
A reason of mistake on solution of infinite integral is analysed in the paper, and the points for attention to avert such mistake are raised. 本文对一道求无穷积分解答的错误原因进行了较深入的分析,并对避免类似错误提出了注意事项。
Uniform convergence is an important Sufficient condition of integrable theorem under integration sign in infinite integral depending on a parameter, but it is a strong condition. 一致收敛是含参变量无穷积分在积分号下可积分定理的重要充分条件,但是这个条件太强。
For the function is a quite complicated function of infinite integral, generally it is difficult to get an accurate solution. 第一类越流含水层系统定流量井函数是一个复杂的无穷积分函数,一般难以求得其精确解,其实在实际计算结果中不必要很高的精度。
Infinite integral on containing parameter interval value function and containing parameter Fuzzy value function is defined, and a definition on the uniform convergence of infinite integral and the discrimination method of uniform convergence is given, The properties of the uniform convergence of infinite integral are investigated 在已有文献的基础上定义了含参量区间值函数与含参量Fuzzy值函数的无穷积分,给出了无穷积分一致收敛的定义和判别法,讨论了无穷积分一致收敛的性质
Convergence of Infinite Integral 无穷积分的收敛问题
This article deals with the method of the determination of convergence of infinite integral. 本文提出了一个无穷限积分条件收敛的判别法。
The concept of second infinite curve integral is presented and its quality and discriminance of convergence are discussed. 本文给出了第二型无穷曲线积分的概念,讨论了其性质与收敛的判别方法。
This differential test is also a test of the series of functions and one of the infinite integral. 在众多情况下它可以取极限形式。这一微分判别法也是一般函数项级数和无穷限反常积分的判别法。
Infinite Integral and its Covergence on Interval Value Function 区间值函数的无穷积分及其收敛性
Using Jordan's theorem on Dirichlet integrals, this paper gives a formula of transforming an infinite limits integral to a multi-integral, which may be useful in the estimation of some kind of infinite limits integrals. 利用Dirichlet积分的Jordan定理给出一个将无穷限积分转化为重积分的计算公式,由此可以比较容易地计算该类积分的值。
The obtained bounded waveguide has a set of discrete modes, i.e., the propagation modes, leaky modes and PML modes. And the radiation modes can be replaced by the latter two kinds of modes so as to avoid the infinite integral. 这样得到的有界波导具有一组离散模式,即传播模、泄漏模和PML模,并用后两种模的线性组合代替辐射模,从而可避免无穷数值积分。
To avoid infinite integral, discrete vortex method was adopted to calculate the induced velocity. 为了避免无穷积分,采用了离散涡分布的数值计算方法求解诱导速度。